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Jun 13, 2009

Power Ranger T-shirt

Power Ranger? Mana... mana mana? Ketika kata tersebut terdengar, saya dan teman-teman saya (Riri dan Biska) pasti akan heboh. Hal ini berlaku sama ketika saya dan mereka sedang jalan-jalan di ITC Kuningan dan saya kemudian memberhentikan langkah mereka karena berkata bahwa di suatu counter pakaian terdapat T-shirt Power Ranger sedang dipajang seperti gambar di atas.

Jika kalian melihat T-shirt Power Ranger tersebut, mungkin kalian akan berpendapat bahwa T-shirt itu biasa-biasa saja. Nothing special. Tapi bagi kami T-shirt itu sangat keren, spectacular, serta cute karena kami mempunyai special attached terhadap "Power Ranger". Power Ranger yang kami maksud di sini bukanlah Power Ranger sebagai tokoh pahlawan pembela kebenaran idola anak-anak (saya juga dulu pernah suka banget ama film nya waktu masih anak-anak), melainkan Power Ranger adalah seorang sosok yang benar-benar ada dalam dunia nyata, hanya saja kami menyebut manusia yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki itu dengan julukan Power Ranger.
Mengapa Power Ranger? Well, lelaki ini ada dalam fan fic khayalan kami, dan karena ada alur cerita dalam fan fic kami yang menghubungkannya dengan Power Ranger, maka kami menyebut lelaki berinisial W ini dengan julukan Power Ranger.

Aneh saja, ketika kami sedang jalan-jalan dan memperbincangkan topik mengenai Power Ranger, tiba-tiba mata saya terhenti pada T-shirt ini. Sebenarnya saya tidak yakin juga apakah T-shirt ini termasuk eye catchy atau tidak. Coba kalau harga T-shirt ini di bawah seratus ribu rupiah, mungkin saya masih bisa mempertimbangkan untuk membelinya. Sayangnya harganya sekitar 120 ribu rupiah. Wekkzzz... So expensive (bagi saya). Moga-moga saja kalau saya dan teman-teman saya ke ITC Kuningan lagi this lovely t-shirt will still available.

Jun 7, 2009

Very unique skirt, do you think so?

Just take a look at the picture above. I dunno whether it is one or two skirts combined into one? But yeah, this 350 pounds skirt from Thread Social (I prefer the skirt without the purple anyway) is made from silk, no wonder that it is expensive (for me, but maybe not for you). So, how do you think?

Her hair looks alike with mine

Just take a look at those pictures. I was just surprised, and it wasn't just a little, but much more than that. Her hair... OMG. Has she ever met me before? And maybe, she just cut her hair to resemble mine, because she thought that I was super duper mega damn cool. No, I am just kidding. But truly, her hair really looks like mine. And I have it cut off about four months ago. So? Do you know who this woman is? Again, I'm trying to make a joke. Well, I just found those pictures in one of the fashion blog. And I forgot the address. LOL :D

World’s largest cave discovered in Quang Binh, Vietnam

In mid- April 2009, British caving team leading by Howard Limbirt have explored Son Doong Cave in the Phong Nha - Ke Bang World Natural Heritage site, 50km from Dong Hoi, Quang Binh.
At 150m hight, 140m wide, and over 5km long, the cave is believed to be the world's largest cave, almost twice the size of the current record holder.

Discovered by local people in 2008 but the cave had not been entered due to the terrifying wind and noise from the large underground river..

Son Doong Cave located in center of national park, about 6 hours' walk from Ho Chi Minh trail after pass Doong Hamlet, En Cave. The team spent five days exploring the cave. They had to negotiate two underground rivers before reaching the main passage.
source : TITC
taken from :

I wonder to visit that huge cave one day, ehmmmm..... I really want for the natural attraction vacation. And I'd like to go abroad, at least still in the South East Asia (except that very close but always in confrontation country)