Just take a look at the picture above. I dunno whether it is one or two skirts combined into one? But yeah, this 350 pounds skirt from Thread Social (I prefer the skirt without the purple anyway) is made from silk, no wonder that it is expensive (for me, but maybe not for you). So, how do you think?
well ,walaupun gw punya much
ReplyDeletemoney ,yeach then ,gw ga bkl beli tu
skirt .gw bkl utamain beli T-shirt yg
bahannya qualified ,ga cpt robek & a
pair of shoes tp belinya di BM .do u
know that place in Jakarta ?don't
ask like "TamPur" or "Pasar Ular"
.gw rasa kalo beli sepatu yang
mahal abiiiiies tp ad BM yang
beranni ngejualnya ,tu cuma dBali
deh hohohoh !
uuuupz sorry jane ,gw jadi nulis
sepatu ,bukannya skirt eheheh !