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Feb 18, 2009

I Cut My Hair Off (Finally)

A beautiful girl is always attributed to long and straight hair. It's not always, anyway, but commonly. So, ladies and gentlements, are we still questioning what is stated above? I ever thought that it was right. Why? Because as my tracking and monitoring, a long-haired girl is usually more good looking and alluring than the short-haired one. They usually looked more gorgeus, feminine, and elegant as well. I used to like it and I wanted to grow my hair (at least until it exceeds the lower end of my chests). And why did I want to grow it and keep it? Because I can create lots of hair style with a long hair, I can use varying accessories stuck on our hair any time I wanna, I can make others impressed with the softness of my silky hair when they stroke it, and my hair would look totally awesome when it blown by the wind.

However, sometimes a long hair creates a problem, whether it is minor or major, it is still recognized as a problem. And hair loss is my major problem, dude. I could lost my hair until 50 strands a day, whether it is while I was brushing it, or it happened naturally and suddenly any time without permission and it caused a dinginess in my room and also in my shirt. I was so tired to see lots of hair laid disorderly everywhere. And I couldn't hardly imagine if it's continue to happen, my head could possibly be bald as the old guy, since it always fall off everytime.

I was so terribly sick of it, and my sister always repeated her irrittating command to cut my hair off. She said that it's better for me to cut my hair off than I lost all of my hair since it fell off too much. And she also said that I would look more fresh after I cut my hair. At one point, I saw Song Hye Kyo (a korean actress) in a movie drama titled "The World that They Live In" with a short hair cut. And she is still look gorgeous and pretty as usual, even with the short hair. Her hair was long before, as it seen in Endless Love and Full House. My mom said that I would look great in that hairdo, just like Song Hye Kyo in that movie. I didn't really care much about it and at that moment, I still want to preserve my hair. About two months later, after all the suck school orientation in my campus had already over, I was thinking to get my hair cut, (yes, my hair fell off more often day by day), and then I searched for any short-haired celebs picture from the internet. I found Katie Holmes picture with her short hair, and I thought that it was pretty cool. And yes, it gave me inspiration, and as you can see right now my hairdo is similar with hers.
And I still look gorgeous. LOL.

Feb 17, 2009


I wish I never learned how to smile if I know that it would turn into a warm but feeling cold water came out from our eyes but actually came out from our heart that we call it TEARS

I wish I never feel a happiness that would probably serve me a pleasant feeling yesterday if it would turn into a sadness that devastatingly shred, tear, and broke my fragile heart today

I wish I never ever had a dream at all if I know that all of them are just BULLSHIT and never close to reality

I wish I could never feel anything if I know that this feeling is just the sweet but pathetic and tornful illusory

I wish I never ever had a heart cause the heart never lies and finally it is unfold no matter how hard we try to conceal what it is portrayed and also hidden

I wish I could be an angel so I could come and go to leave this earth and I would never be able to feel any emotions and lustful and desire which become a pride for human kind but at the end become an irreversibly regrettable foolish sentiment for them

created by : myself (blog owner)

when we were down, we might think about this, but we must be grateful for every breathe, heart, love, and life given to us. Nothing more precious than being born in this world.