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Dec 26, 2009

Meet my best friend again!!

I was so glad and surprised yesterday when I went to Seaworld Indonesia with my sister, there was something unpredictable happened. When I was looking around in the main tank, suddenly my sister yelled at me, "Nia, that's Norah!"

and then, I looked at the direction where my sister pointed at. And that's right, there's Norah, my Chinese friend. OMG, I was so surprised and I just can't explain how happy I was. Spontaneously, we hugged each other. I really missed her, and I know that she did so. So, Norah is my best friend when she studied Bahasa Indonesia in University of Indonesia, my campus. She rented a room next to me, and that's why we were so close. We didn't meet each other for around 5 months!!! Right after she finished the Bahasa Indonesia course, she went for a vacation to Bali, and she head back to China. She said that she would turn back to Indonesia to work, but I don't know when. And suddenly, I saw her there yesterday!!! I was so happy, even many friends of mine are gone to their origin country (like Korea, Japan, USA, and Netherlands), but my closest foreign friend is coming back here.

After we hugged to share our missing feeling, we talked each other. And she introduced me to some of her working partners, which are also Chinese. And I also met Tao, her Chinese friend, who brought her to my boarding house 8 months ago for the first time. Tao said (as Norah said), that I was getting prettier. LOL. (Well, actually what Norah said was that I always looked pretty). Unfortunately, Norah had to leave the place with her friends, but before that, we share our phone number since both of us lost it! And also we took some pictures together. My friends will be surprised to see this pictures because they also missed Norah as I did. Later, we will hang out together and I hoped that we can have another great times again. Yeah, we will, for sure.

Cute Hat

When I just browsing on around two months ago, I found a very cute hat and I really want it, but the price is quite expensive for me (around $40). But now, this hat is no longer available on the website, I suppose (after I re-check open the site).

But around 2 days ago, when I went to the shopping mall, I found a cute hat that finally I bought. It only cost $7 and it looked similar with the one in the Modcloth website.

So, how do you think about my new hat?

Nov 23, 2009


I swear that I really want some heels. I am so craving for them. And yeah, I just found a cool fashion site (a kind of online shop) that provides very cool and stylish item. The name of the online shop is One of the cool item is the Forget-me Knot Heels as the picture above. It is $159.99. And so yeah, for Indonesian like me, it must be expensive. The first time I browsed this site, I was kind of surprised and excited by seeing so many good stuff. Maybe I could say that all the things that they sell are great, especially the shoes (and its not a promotion). He he XD

And there is another cool fashion blog I recommend for you guys. is a great one. And in October posting, I found another heels that I really want. Here is the picture

She said that the label is Sigerson Morrison shoes. Is anyone of you guys know?

Nov 18, 2009

Noticeable and Apathism

Aku benar-benar tidak tahu harus bagaimana. Di saat pakaian yang aku pakai ke kampus 'lebih' dibanding yang lain (lebih terlihat menonjol atau kalo bahasa narsis dariku stylish) semua orang komentar heboh, nah ketika pakaian yang aku pakai ke kampus biasa-biasa dan casual saja, orang-orang komentar juga. Ada yang komentar, "Tumben casual.." , ada juga yang, "Hari ini nggak keren ah, nggak kayak kemaren", ada juga yang komentar, "Kok lo kayak gini sih, gw nggak suka ah lo yang begini, bukan lo banget". Terus maunya gimana?

Tapi memang sih, karena pakaian yang biasa aku pakai sehari-hari ke kampus, banyak mata yang tertuju padaku memperhatikan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki. Kayaknya anak-anak di Fakultas udah pada "ngeh" deh sama aku. Meskipun mungkin nggak tau aku namanya siapa atau anak jurusan apa angkatan berapa, tapi sepertinya mereka mengenali wajahku karena gaya pakaian yang biasa aku pakai yang mereka sebut "Harajuku style" itu.

Dengan hal ini kadang-kadang suka ngerasa agak tersanjung juga kalo habis kenalan sama orang, terus mereka bilang, "Baju yang lo pake sehari-hari lucu deh, gaya Korea2 gitu". Nah, berarti dia memperhatikan aku sebelum kita berkenalan. Atau kayak gini, "Pantesan, gw sering ngeliat lo". Eh, padahal gw kagak pernah memperhatikan keberadaan lo (kataku dalam hati). PARAH!!!

Tapi ada sisi yang tidak menyenangkan juga dengan hal ini. Dengan mereka tahu aku atau mengenal wajahku, akan ada hal yang membuat tidak nyaman, seperti jadi dibicarakan di belakang. Hari ini ada kejadian di mana aku merasa takut. Ceritanya begini, sore tadi aku dan temanku yang bernama Bizka pergi ke stadion UI untuk menonton pertandingan futsal final antara fakultasku melawan fakultas tetangga.
Lalu, ketika kami memasuki gerbang kemudian berjalan menuju bangku penonton, banyak wajah lelaki fakultas tetangga yang melihat ke arah kami berdua. Bahkan sampai 5 menit setelah kami duduk di bangku, masih saja beberapa dari mereka matanya tertuju ke kami.

Sialnya, hari itu fakultas kami kalah dengan skor 4-1. Kemudian begitu peluit panjang wasit dibunyikan, kami langsung bergegas pergi karena takut pulang alias keluar gerbang bersama dengan para lelaki fakultas tetangga yang terlihat garang itu, apalagi aku dan temanku hanya berdua saja dan sama-sama perempuan. Nah, ketika kami berjalan melewati mereka, mata mereka tertuju ke arah kami. Kemudian satu atau dua di antara mereka melontarkan komentar yang mengarah ke kami, "Kok tadi diem aja sih?" Aduh, itu maksudnya apa? Udah deh, karena merasa seram juga, aku hanya diam tanpa berani menoleh, kemudian melangkah lebih cepat. Bahkan kata temanku si Bizka,ketika dia menoleh ke belakang untuk mencari keberadaanku, beberapa dari lelaki tersebut masih saja memperhatikan kami.

Nah, yang membuat aku bingung dan resah adalah, apakah mereka juga sudah mengenali wajahku karena gaya berpakaianku yang lain daripada yang lain? Apalagi aku sering makan di kantin fakultas tetangga itu. Dan kalau iya, sepertinya dalam seminggu ini aku tidak akan makan di sana, karena takut mereka akan mengenali aku, kemudian melakukan perbuatan yang tidak menyenangkan padaku, apalagi ditambah mereka sudah tahu kalau aku bukanlah warga fakultas mereka. Aigo!!

Jadi sekarang gaya pakaianku harus bagaimana? Sebenarnya akhir-akhir ini aku ingin berpenampilan biasa saja, toh dengan berpakaian biasa saja badanku tetap terlihat tinggi dan ramping. Hohoho... bercanda. Tapi... Ya sudahlah.

Nah, sekarang kita bicara mengenai apatis dan anti sosial. Terus terang di satu semester belakangan ini aku benar-benar sangat anti sosial sehingga apatis terhadap apa yang terjadi di Fakultas ku. Aku tidak ikut kepanitiaan apa pun. Dan aku sudah menolak sekitar 4 tawaran kepanitiaan, padahal mereka menjanjikan posisi yang baik untukku (bukan cuma sekedar staff). Kok aku nyebelin banget ya? Bukannya tidak mau turut membantu dan berpartisipasi, tapi, aku benar-benar sedang fokus pada hal lain, yaitu bekerja! Ya, aku bekerja demi menabung untuk exchange ataupun vacation out of country. Jadi setiap hari Selasa dan Kamis aku pulang malam dan badanku rasanya benar-benar rapuh. Tapi sejauh ini, tugas-tugas kuliahku masih bisa aku kerjakan dengan cukup baik. Ya intinya, kuliahku masih dapat dikendalikan lah. Tapi ya itu, dengan keapatisanku itu, aku jadi tidak kenal siapa-siapa, karena aku tidak pernah ikut kegiatan apapun di Fakultas ku.

Tadi, waktu menonton futsal aku tidak mengenal para suporter lain dari fakultasku yang duduk berdekatan atau satu blok denganku. Memang mereka anak jurusan lain sih, tapi aku jadi merasa agak asing berada di sana. Jika seandainya aku sering nongkrong di kantin fakultasku, mungkin rasanya akan sedikit berbeda. Masalahnya, kantin fakultasku itu pilihan menunya tidak banyak dan ramai sekali. Bukannya kantin fakultas tetangga yang biasa aku kunjungi tidak ramai, tapi tidak tahu mengapa dengan berada di kantin fakultasku aku jadi merasa sangat pusing. Berisik, dan mereka hanya duduk untuk mengobrol tidak penting dan mempercepat kerusakan paru-paru mereka. (tebak saja apa yang mereka lakukan). Jadi ya... aku malas untuk ke sana. Intinya mereka yang sukanya nongkrong di sana adalah mereka yang sangat menganggur dan tidak ada kerjaan lain yang lebih penting serta sangat senang membicarakan orang lain alias bergosip ria.

Keapatisanku juga terasa ketika tadi menonton debat calon ketua dan wakil ketua BEM fakultasku. Terus terang di antara 4 orang (ketua dan wakil ketua dari dua kubu), aku hanya mengenal satu orang, yang lain aku tidak tahu menahu mengenai siapa mereka. PARAH!! Mereka pun juga tentunya tidak tahu aku ini siapa. Hahaha

Mungkin seterusnya aku akan berusaha untuk lebih up to date dengan apa yang terjadi di fakultasku dan harus ikut kepanitiaan fakultas. HARUS!!! Terserah mau acara apa dan posisi apa! (bercanda). Aku juga harus menonton berita setiap hari dan membaca koran. Karena jujur, aku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi di KPK saat ini dan kasus Bank Century itu tentang apa sih? Apa lagi issue internasional, aku semakin tidak tahu lagi. Hmmmphhh... aku juga harus berusaha untuk aktif di organisasi English Debating yang aku ikuti sekarang, karena bahasa Inggris ku jadi tidak sebagus dulu lagi, dan kemampuan public speaking dan argumentasi ku jadi tidak terasah. Aduh... lots of expectation!! Harus mulai dari mana????

Nov 14, 2009

The One Lyrics

"I DO"

Huhwehaji aneul su itnayo?

Amugotdo eomneun uri dul

Sigani jinaseo da eopseojin dadeo naneun

Huhwehaji aneulkopnida, I do.

Oretdongan gyondil su itgetjo

Mani apeun nae geudaeyeo

Amuri mworaedo, mwora handaedo naneun

Huhwehaji aneulkeopnida, I do.

Oh yes I do.

Nan gidohalkeyo, naye sarangeul, I motnan naega tekhan nae sarangeul

O yongwonhagireul, to yongwonhagireul

Sigani jinaseo icheojin daedo nan

Jeoldae huhwehaji aneul keopnida ~

Saranghaeyo, saranghapnida, I do.

Oct 30, 2009

7 Days Countdown to My Birthday

Now, it’s just 7 days to 21 November, my 21st birthday. Yeah, I’m getting older and older. And I know that my friends know how old I am, even they are really happy to call me with the “Old” sobriquet. And they also know how unhappy I was that it reflects through my facial expression. But they keep calling me with that fuck shit sobriquet since I am older than them. I should have been in the 5th semester actually, but now I am just in the 3rd.

When we’re talking about birthday, then it must be connected with birthday wishes. I already prepared my birthday wishes, though I have no idea whether it would be coming true or just end miserably or being postponed until next year to be the next but same birthday wishes (If I still alive, of course). I already prayed for this same wish 2 years ago, at my 19th birthday, but nothing happened, for real. Then I continued to spell the same prayer in the next year at my 20th birthday, but again, nothing happened. And in this year, the wish will also be the same, and my expectation for this is even greater than before. And I believe that God must hear my prayer. But why didn’t he grant it? It just so damn easy for him to make it come true, but why? I am craving for it, really. Oh please dear God, I’d like you to help me to make my wish come true. Please don’t cause any disappointment to me again, since I already got such some big pain in my past, in my teenager life, that I believe only 0.00001 percent of all the people ever alive in this world have it during their teenager time (for both unpleasant accident ever happened to me). So, please, I want God to give a little compassionate to me to be redemption as what happened in the past.

Every one must dream of happiness, and so I am included. Maybe everyone think that I am the kind of person who have a big spirit, energetic, joyous, and what so ever, and so does my mom also have the same perception. Compared with my elder sister and younger brother, my mom would think that I am her child who has the biggest spirit and that’s why I have the most achievement that my siblings don’t. But actually, I’d rather choose to be an average person who never had such achievements, but lucky in life, and always have happiness surround it day by day, love, and life peacefully. I mean I always try to do my best to myself and others as well. I always try to give such kindness to others, avoid hurting others’ feeling, but those kind of happiness never return to me, not yet. So I make a conclusion that I won’t care to others’ feeling again. And I will just think about myself. Based on what I saw, there are some people that is bad, I mean have bad personality, selfish, never thought before they speak, but they can get a happiness, even they always happy. Even, neither they are smart, talented, or something, but they are just surrounded by luck. I really want to be that kind of person, cause in the end they’re always happy. Is it what everyone dreams upon their life?

And by the way, why should I type this in English? Actually I am so damn tired both speaking and writing in English. (Not tired actually, because if I wrote tired it will show that I have no capability to do it). But I am just bored with English language, even I am an English teacher, and almost all of my friends think that my English skill is more expert than them (since we are in a country that use English as our 2nd language). I want to communicate with other language; I am so damn bored with it!

At the end, I still have the same prayer at my birthday and will continue to hope and pray for it. So, please…..

Jul 31, 2009

I won blog competition!!!

Hey hey hey, the title above is true. Yes, I did win blog competition. (2nd winner actualy) But anyway, I was so happy. It was happened around one or maybe two months ago. Freak... Ha ha... I just write it down right now due to tons activity that I joined and divided my brain into meaningless (but now it works so well, I guess) pieces. That blog competition was held by

Around a month ago, they put my name and my picture on their site. But now it seems that they have already removed it. So, in that competition I should write about the importance of suplement to our body. And I guess that I wrote it down on my blog pretty good, you still can find my "winning" posting in it with the title "Suplemen Kesehatan, Masihkah Diperlukan?" In bahasa Indonesia, though. I just wrote it one day before the dead line, and I sign myself up in the competition immediately right after I finished writing that posting on my blog. I am so DEADLINER!!! Hahahaha

But However, I made it, right? Even they sent the prize to my campus. And I had the picture taken in my campus with my campus as the background image. Yeyyyy... They gave me health suplement as the prize, and now I still have them (Pssstttt... I just seldom consume them).
Actually, if only I wrote the article by mentioning or promoting the, maybe I could be the 1st winner. But.... Just thank God for what I've got. Cheers.....

Jul 26, 2009

Modem 3G di Alnect Computer cuma Rp 550 ribu

Jadi, aku ini ceritanya "onliner" sejati. Hampir setiap hari selalu OL dan can't live without internet. Selama ini modem yang aku pakai sebenernya cuma dari HP 3G aja. Habisnya dulu harga modem selangit banget. Ya udah lah, aku siasatin pake HP 3G aja. Tapi dampaknya.... Battery HP ku sekarang jadi gampang banget nge-drop, sehari bisa di charge ampe 3 kali. (itu karena dipake buat internetan juga sih), dan battery ku jadi menggembung nggak jelas gitu. Dulu sempet kepikiran mau beli battery baru, tapi di samping harganya yang 400ribu (mahal banget yak? battery doang juga), pada akhirnya battery yang baru akan bernasib sama bukan?

So, shortly aku mencari solusi untuk masa
lahku ini. Sepertinya aku harus membeli modem baru, bagaimana pun itu. :( Memang sekarang harga modem berapa? Masih selangit kayak dulu kan? Ternyata nggak lho... Aku senang bukan main ketika aku buka situs Alnect computer di dan aku menemukan banyak modem GSM 3G yang murah-murah lho. Ternyata harganya udah nggak semahal dulu lagi. Ini nich yang paling murah yaitu modem Huawei E156G. Harganya cuma Rp 550 ribu!

Modem USB HSDPA Huawei E156G adalah modem 3.5 dengan desain model stik USB berbahan rubber sehingga nyaman, simple dan mudah untuk dibawa-bawa. Modem ini juga dapat ditambah kartu memori MicroSD (berfungsi sebagai card reader) yang bisa digunakan sebagai media penyimpan data mobile Anda (mass data storage).

Modem ini tipenya unlocked, jadi bisa dipake untuk SIM card GSM jenis apapun. Cuma tinggal nyolokin modem USB ini ke port USB di laptop ato komputer dan semuanya auto install. Jadi, kita nggak perlu repot-repot meng install pake aplikasi aneh-aneh yang cuma bikin bingung. Ditambah dengan aplikasi modem manager yang memudahkan kita untuk mengatur koneksi internet dan bahkan menampilkan semua SMS yang masuk ke dalam layar komputer yang bisa langsung kita reply, pastinya membuat semua orang menginginkan untuk membeli modem murah tapi berkualitas ini. Apalagi ditambah dengan beratnya yang hanya 30 gram 3.6 Mbps for maximum download speed, serta 384 Kbps for maximum upload speed. Walah walah... pasti bikin kita semakin nggak nahan untuk beli dan menjajal kedahsyatannya.

Pertanyaan terakhir.. Di mana kita dapat memperoleh modem semurah ini? Mudah sekali, tentu saja di Alnect Computer yang beralamatkan di

Jln. Raya Janti, Kruwing No.1
Yogyakarta Indonesia
Telp Toko (0274)486844

Anyway, Alnect ini canggih banget. Jadi kita bisa belanja lewat online, maupun order by phone. Langsung dikirim deh sama Alnect Computer, jadi yang domisilinya di luar Jogja nggak perlu repot-repot ke Jogja kalo begitu. So simple!

Alnect computer Blog Contest

Jun 13, 2009

Power Ranger T-shirt

Power Ranger? Mana... mana mana? Ketika kata tersebut terdengar, saya dan teman-teman saya (Riri dan Biska) pasti akan heboh. Hal ini berlaku sama ketika saya dan mereka sedang jalan-jalan di ITC Kuningan dan saya kemudian memberhentikan langkah mereka karena berkata bahwa di suatu counter pakaian terdapat T-shirt Power Ranger sedang dipajang seperti gambar di atas.

Jika kalian melihat T-shirt Power Ranger tersebut, mungkin kalian akan berpendapat bahwa T-shirt itu biasa-biasa saja. Nothing special. Tapi bagi kami T-shirt itu sangat keren, spectacular, serta cute karena kami mempunyai special attached terhadap "Power Ranger". Power Ranger yang kami maksud di sini bukanlah Power Ranger sebagai tokoh pahlawan pembela kebenaran idola anak-anak (saya juga dulu pernah suka banget ama film nya waktu masih anak-anak), melainkan Power Ranger adalah seorang sosok yang benar-benar ada dalam dunia nyata, hanya saja kami menyebut manusia yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki itu dengan julukan Power Ranger.
Mengapa Power Ranger? Well, lelaki ini ada dalam fan fic khayalan kami, dan karena ada alur cerita dalam fan fic kami yang menghubungkannya dengan Power Ranger, maka kami menyebut lelaki berinisial W ini dengan julukan Power Ranger.

Aneh saja, ketika kami sedang jalan-jalan dan memperbincangkan topik mengenai Power Ranger, tiba-tiba mata saya terhenti pada T-shirt ini. Sebenarnya saya tidak yakin juga apakah T-shirt ini termasuk eye catchy atau tidak. Coba kalau harga T-shirt ini di bawah seratus ribu rupiah, mungkin saya masih bisa mempertimbangkan untuk membelinya. Sayangnya harganya sekitar 120 ribu rupiah. Wekkzzz... So expensive (bagi saya). Moga-moga saja kalau saya dan teman-teman saya ke ITC Kuningan lagi this lovely t-shirt will still available.

Jun 7, 2009

Very unique skirt, do you think so?

Just take a look at the picture above. I dunno whether it is one or two skirts combined into one? But yeah, this 350 pounds skirt from Thread Social (I prefer the skirt without the purple anyway) is made from silk, no wonder that it is expensive (for me, but maybe not for you). So, how do you think?

Her hair looks alike with mine

Just take a look at those pictures. I was just surprised, and it wasn't just a little, but much more than that. Her hair... OMG. Has she ever met me before? And maybe, she just cut her hair to resemble mine, because she thought that I was super duper mega damn cool. No, I am just kidding. But truly, her hair really looks like mine. And I have it cut off about four months ago. So? Do you know who this woman is? Again, I'm trying to make a joke. Well, I just found those pictures in one of the fashion blog. And I forgot the address. LOL :D

World’s largest cave discovered in Quang Binh, Vietnam

In mid- April 2009, British caving team leading by Howard Limbirt have explored Son Doong Cave in the Phong Nha - Ke Bang World Natural Heritage site, 50km from Dong Hoi, Quang Binh.
At 150m hight, 140m wide, and over 5km long, the cave is believed to be the world's largest cave, almost twice the size of the current record holder.

Discovered by local people in 2008 but the cave had not been entered due to the terrifying wind and noise from the large underground river..

Son Doong Cave located in center of national park, about 6 hours' walk from Ho Chi Minh trail after pass Doong Hamlet, En Cave. The team spent five days exploring the cave. They had to negotiate two underground rivers before reaching the main passage.
source : TITC
taken from :

I wonder to visit that huge cave one day, ehmmmm..... I really want for the natural attraction vacation. And I'd like to go abroad, at least still in the South East Asia (except that very close but always in confrontation country)

Jun 2, 2009

May 31, 2009

Suplemen Kesehatan, Masihkah Diperlukan?

Seiring berjalannya waktu, jumlah penduduk yang tinggal di perkotaan besar semakin bertambah. Hal itu disebabkan baik karena adanya urbanisasi dan migrasi penduduk lainnya, maupun pertumbuhan penduduk yang cukup tinggi, khususnya di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, dan Jakarta adalah salah satu contohnya. Sebagai kota metropolitan di mana terdapat 9 juta penduduk di mana, kemacetan dan polusi udara bukanlah merupakan suatu hal baru yang dirasakan penduduk di dalam kota ini. Dua hal tersebut merupakan faktor utama penyebab terjadinya stress, terutama bagi orang-orang yang sibuk bekerja di kantor. Belum lagi ditambah dengan adanya kesibukan di kantor yang membuat waktu istirahat serta olahraga menjadi semakin minim. Bahkan terkadang kesibukan tersebut mengganggu pola makan ataupun menimbulkan kebiasaan untuk mengkonsumsi makanan cepat saji yang dirasa kurang sehat dan tidak memenuhi standar gizi yang semestinya dikonsumsi tubuh manusia setiap harinya. Jika sudah seperti itu, kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh menjadi terganggu, sehingga rentan terhadap penyakit.

Bahkan akibat adanya stress, pola hidup yang serba cepat dan tidak sehat, serta kurangnya istirahat dan olahraga dapat berakibat mengurangi usia harapan hidup seseorang. Sepertinya dapat kita bandingkan, bahwa usia harapan hidup penduduk yang tinggal di pedesaan di Indonesia lebih tinggi dibandingkan mereka yang tinggal di perkotaan. Sebuah penelitian mengatakan bahwa Sleman, suatu kabupaten di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta adalah daerah di mana usia harapan hidupnya paling tinggi di Indonesia. Perlu diketahui bahwa Sleman adalah suatu daerah di mana terdapat banyak pedesaan dan dapat kita simpulkan bahwa pedesaan merupakan daerah yang tenang dan ideal untuk menghabiskan hari tua di mana orang-orang jauh dari stress dan tentunya dengan pola hidup yang lebih sehat dan teratur. Bahkan terkadang mereka memetik buah-buahan dari kebun mereka sendiri.

Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga stamina dan daya tahan tubuh, meningkatkan kesehatan, asupan vitamin dan mineral harian yang juga berfungsi sebagai body defense dan detoksifikasi, bahkan untuk mengganti sel-sel yang rusak yang kemungkinan disebabkan oleh banyaknya terpaan polusi udara yang tidak sengaja diterima oleh tubuh, suplemen kesehatan dalam era modern yang serba cepat ini sangatlah diperlukan, terutama untuk mereka yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan yang mungkin agak sulit untuk menemukan makanan hijau dan buah-buahan segar tanpa adanya kontaminasi pestisida. Kalaupun makanan seperti itu dapat ditemukan, mereka yang serba sibuk ini hampir tidak memiliki waktu untuk mengkonsumsinya. Untuk itu, suplemen kesehatan dapatlah menjadi alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan harian vitamin dan mineral bagi manusia, maupun sekedar untuk menjaga stamina tubuh, karena kita dapat membuat suatu asumsi bahwa mereka dengan jadwal kerja yang padat yang dekat dengan kemungkinan stress akan lebih lelah sehingga lebih rentan terhadap penyakit dibanding mereka yang memiliki lebih banyak waktu istirahat. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi, jangan lagi ragu untuk mengkonsumsi suplemen kesehatan, karena hal ini memang perlu, dan jangan lupa untuk mengecek tanggal kadaluwarsanya serta apakah suplemen kesehatan ini telah terdaftar di badan POM. Lihatlah kandungan suplemen tersebut, dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan harian kita. Salam sehat!

May 30, 2009

My New Friend, Neighbour, Whatever...

N.B. fotografernya kagak jago, jadi waktu Norah merem kena jepret

Okay, mari sekarang saya bercerita dengan bahasa Indonesia lagi. Wow, mendadak saya jadi lupa bagaimana cara berbicara dan menulis dengan bahasa Inggris. Tidak juga sih, tapi meskipun sebenarnya tidak bisa disalahkan juga, tapi bukan itu alasan saya sekarang menulis dengan bahasa Indonesia. Well, jadi, kata salah satu pembicara pada Journalist Days di FE UI beberapa minggu yang lalu, menulis di blog dengan bahasa Indonesia itu penting untuk perkembangan Citizen Journalism di Indonesia. Hmm… setelah saya pikir-pikir, ada benarnya juga. Jadi, mari berbahasa Indonesia! (for foreign readers, don’t worry, later I will write in English again :p).

Jadi, seminggu yang lalu, hari Kamis, tanggal 21 Mei tepatnya, saya mendengar ada suara percakapan dengan bahasa Mandarin yang terdengar dari kamar saya. Saya kemudian berbicara sekaligus berpikir dalam hati, mereka orang Chinese-Indonesia atau Chinese asli? Dan ternyata, mereka orang Chinese asli! Satu di antara mereka sudah cukup lama tinggal di Indonesia, jadi bahasa Indonesia nya dapat dikatakan lumayan lancar lah. Nah, yang satunya lagi, baru “fresh” datang dari Cina, jadi tidak bisa berbicara dengan bahasa Indonesia (sama sekali, waktu itu dia hanya bisa menghitung angka 1 sampai 10). Dan untungnya…. dia lancar berbahasa Inggris. Ngomong-ngomong, yang baru fresh datang dari Cina itu singkat kata nge-kost di samping kamar saya, persis. Ya, dia, hanya dia, tidak dengan temannya. Sebenarnya saya lebih dulu kenal dengan seorang Chinese yang bisa bahasa Indonesia itu, Rini, begitulah nama yang ia perkenalkan pada saya (aneh, kok namanya Indonesia?), tapi kemudian Rini memperkenalkan saya pada temannya, yang bernama Norah, yang tinggal di samping kamar saya itu. Norah anaknya cantik, terlihat ramah, usianya saya prediksikan saat itu sekitar 20-an dan ternyata benar, dan…. tampangnya tidak terlihat seperti orang Chinese. Dia agak terlihat seperti cewek Korea atau Jepang.

Dari situlah bercakap-cakaplah saya dengannya (dengan bahasa Inggris tentunya). Dan saya jadi bersyukur karena bahasa Inggris saya yang cukup lancar dan bahkan Norah bilang pun tidak berlogat Indonesia. (terserah mau dibilang British, American, atau apa lah, tapi bukan Singapore atau Afro-american lho ya…) Kenapa saya mesti bersyukur? Karena dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya yang… ya, “cukup” lah, tidak bisa dikatakan perfect, saya jadi dengan mudah berkomunikasi dengan Norah, dan Norah sekarang jadi cukup dekat dengan saya dibanding penghuni kost yang lainnya. (beuh… berasa paling jago bahasa Inggris lo?) Tapi sepanjang pengamatan dan perbandingan saya dengan teman-teman kost saya yang orang Indonesia itu, ya, sepertinya begitu. (ingat, ini hanya pada level conversation, bukan grammar maupun listening, dan saya cuma menang di accent aja, karena sumpah, dengan accent saya ini saya jadi terlihat pro dan super cas cis cus di mata orang lain, bahkan beberapa teman-teman saya mengira kalo accent saya dibuat-buat sok British seperti Cinta Laura, padahal… sumpah lagi, ini asli, memang lidah saya dari sono nya begini, tanpa harus stay abroad terlebih dahulu. O ya, kalo masalah vocabulary, kagak tau dah).

Jadi, Norah ke Indonesia untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia, les bahasa lah, di BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing) yang ada di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UI. Saya sering berkunjung ke kamarnya untuk mengajarinya bahasa Indonesia, ataupun sekedar ngobrol, tadi malam ipun saya ikutan “belajar bareng” dengannya plus teman-temannya yang anak BIPA juga, yang kebetulan…. ASIA TIMUR semua!!! Ada Japanese dan juga Korean di sana. Okay, yang ini saya ceritakan secara detail nanti. Satu hal yang menarik untuk berteman dengan Norah (selain mempraktikkan bahasa Inggris, menambah teman asing, dan menambah pengalaman mengajar) adalah saya jadi lebih memahami hidup dan bisa dikatakan mendapat pelajaran yang cukup berharga darinya. Tiga hari dia tinggal di kost an saya, kita sudah jalan bareng (dia yang meminta saya untuk menemaninya ke Gramedia dan ke Mall, mau cari Alfalink en ke supermarket tuch anak). Dan saat itu, kita berdiskusi tentang banyak hal, termasuk hal-hal yang cukup kompleks, ada unsur curhatnya juga, bahkan diskusi tentang AGAMA! Tapi semuanya berjalan sangat santai, Norah anaknya cukup easy going dan friendly, dan alhamdulillah.. karena conversation Inggris saya lumayan lancar, semuanya jadi berjalan dengan mudah.

Suatu ketika, pada suatu malam, saya berkunjung ke kamar Norah, awalnya kita hanya membahas mengenai interpreter yang ia cari untuk perusahaan temannya. Tapi kemudian, sampai ke hal-hal lain, seperti alasan mengapa ia memilih nama Inggris “Norah” untuknya (nama aslinya Yang, lupa saya nama lengkap Chinese nya). Saat itu ia mengatakan pada saya (dengan bahasa Inggris) bahwa ia memilih nama Norah karena selain ia mengagumi Norah Jones (penyanyi jazz international yang ngetop banget lewat lagu “Don’t Know Why” itu), hal lain adalah karena ia melihat dalam buku nama atau apa lah itu, saya lupa, bahwa Norah itu artinya sebuah harapan (menurut bible). Kemudian ia melanjutkan dengan serius dan penuh penghayatan, “Hope / harapan itu sangat penting untuk dimiliki seorang manusia, dengan harapan, kita jadi tetap bisa bermimpi, dan mimpi itu penting, dengan harapan kita jadi mempunyai tekad untuk lebih baik lagi, dengan harapan, kita jadi memiliki target yang ingin kita capai dan berusaha untuk memenuhi target itu.” Begitulah kira-kira perkataan Norah. Entah mengapa saya jadi merasa sendu dan hampir menitikkan air mata, sangat mengharukan dan penuh makna perkataan seorang teman saya yang usianya lebih tua empat tahun dari saya itu, dan yang baru saya kenal beberapa hari itu, dan dia…. WNA!

Some dreams, live on in time forever

Those dreams, you want with all your heart

And I’ll do whatever it takes

Follow through to the promise I made

Put it all on the line

What I hope for at last would be mine

If I could reach…


Just for one moment touch the sky

For that one moment in my life

I’m gonna be… STRONGER


Yang kedua, “Bring it all Back” dari S Club 7 (sekarang masih ada apa sudah bubar ya?)

Don’t stop, never give up

Hold your head high and reach the top

Let the world see what you have got

Bring it all back to you

Yang ketiga, “I hope you dance” dari Lee Ann Womack (penyanyi country yang cukup tenar dan bertahan lama di US gitu)

jujur, saya sangat suka dengan lagu ini karena penuh kiasan dan terdengar begitu puitis dan “mengena”

sedikit kalimat saja…

And when one door closed is hope one more open

Promise me that you will have a fighting chance

If you have a choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance

Makna lagu ini kurang lebih ialah, apabila ada satu kesempatan yang tertutup, yakinlah bahwa masih ada kesempatan lain yang terbuka. Jadi, jangan pernah kehilangan semangat untuk berjuang. Dan apabila ada jalan dan pilihan apakah kita mesti berusaha atau diam saja menunggu, kita harus memilih untuk berusaha.

O ya, there is one more song from Arashi, J-pop boyband, judulnya “Believe”

ini potongan arti liriknya dalam bahasa Inggris… (aslinya pake bahasa Jepang, bo)

That's right, we're always waiting
No matter how long it takes, we wait
Because the dream that we're always hold in our hearts
On the road that goes on forever
Will surely come true
We'll go on, crying, laughing

Kurang lebih maknanya adalah, kita sebagai manusia akan selalu menunggu “mimpi-mimpi” kita untuk terwujud. Karena “mimpi-mimpi” yang selalu berada di hati kita yang meskipun nampaknya masih sangat jauh, pasti akan terlaksana. Kita akan menjalaninya dan meraihnya dengan tangis dan tawa. Semuanya demi menjaga mimpi yang tersimpan dalam hati kita.

ngomong-ngomong, semua lagu ini (kecuali lagu Arashi yang terakhir, secara lagu Japan men!) saya tulis dengan mengandalkan ingatan saya, tanpa membuka lirik lagu aslinya di internet, tapi insya Allah dan saya cukup yakin bahwa >90% akurat (berhubung ingatan dan hafalan saya di lagu, khusunya lagu international, cukup dahsyat). Oh no, international? Bahkan, beberapa hari bertemu dengan saya pun, Norah berkata, “You are intenational girl”. Wekzzz… maksudnya apa? Tapi mungkin dia tidak salah. Nyambung lagi nih, masa kemaren waktu lagi belajar sama Norah, kan ada temennya orang Jepang yang namanya Naoko. Naoko ini bahasa Indonesia nya sudah cukup lancar (secara dua tahun sudah belajar bahasa Indonesia di Jepang, meskipun frekuensinya cuma sekali seminggu). Nah, jadi ceritanya saya waktu mengajari Norah suatu kata dalam bahasa Indonesia, saya mengeja dengan alphabet Inggris. Kemudian, Naoko berkata pada saya, “Kamu ini orang Indonesia, kok pake bahasa itu? Bahasa Indonesia dong…” (kurang lebih begitu lah). Well, saya jadi “terketuk” untuk lebih menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (termasuk dalam menulis blog ini). Tapi, kalau bahasa Inggris saya diabaikan, nanti saya lupa dong? Duh, ada yang bisa memberi solusi?

Another lesson…

Di malam yang sama ketika Norah bercerita pada saya mengenai arti namanya, saya bertanya padanya mengenai apa musik favoritnya. Kemudian ia memperlihatkan (tepatnya memperdengarkan) beberapa koleksi lagu-lagu di playlist I-Tunesnya. Sampai ketika ia menunjukkan lagu “I’m with You” dari Avril Lavigne. Tau kan liriknya? Ini deh…

I’m standing on the bridge

I’m waiting in the dark

I thought that you’d be here by now

There’s nothing bout the rain

No footsteps on the ground

I am listening but there’s no sound

Kemudian, Norah mengatakan bahwa ia sangat menyukai lagu itu, karena ia pernah merasakan situasi yang sama seperti lagu itu. Di negeri asalnya, ia pernah berdiri sendirian di atas jembatan, dan banyak orang berseliweran melewatinya, tetapi tidak satupun yang ia kenal. Tidak menyangka, bahwa orang secantik dia, pernah mengalami situasi seperti itu. Dan yang menarik adalah, untuk ukuran perkenalan beberapa hari, Norah sudah bisa curhat. Kalo orang seperti saya, pasti Anda sudah bisa menebak bahwa saya kerap merasa kesepian, meskipun tidak sampai pergi ke atas jembatan.

Begitulah, dalam beberapa hari saya dan Norah sudah akrab, dan dia memberikan banyak pelajaran berharga bagi saya. Meskipun dia mungkin hanya berada di kost an saya untuk dua atau tiga bulan saja. Hikz… Tapi ada hikmahnya juga saya mengambil Semester Pendek tahun ini. Jadi saya tidak liburan tiga bulan sehingga bisa tetap berada di kost an, dan bisa lebih dekat dengan Norah. Hmm… mungkin nanti saya akan dikenalkan dengan teman-temannya yang Japan atau Korean, dan mudah-mudahan… hi hi hi… Ada yang ganteng :D (membayangkan Kyuh Yun Super Junior atau Jin Akanishi nya Kat Tun). LEBAY… Sepertinya kisahku dengan orang-orang Asia Timur terus saja berlanjut tahun ini dan tidak tahu, apakah akan berganti dengan bangsa lainnya?

May 22, 2009

my college style

I dunno whether I belong to "fashionable" category or not. And errr.... actually I dunno what's the "real" definition about fashion or why are there some people who justify themselves as fashion. I mean I ever read that one who said "I don't do fashion, but "I'm" fashion. Whatever... They may make any statement based on their belief and opinion. But if you guys want to know what I wear to campus, than this is me. You may make any comment and justification up to your head, and I dunno whether what I wear should be considered as lovable or not. But the thing that I know is that, I have different style than other girls in my college. And I don't care what would they say about me and my style, or when everyone (okay, not everyone, but lots of people) is staring at me when I am passing them.

May 20, 2009

Malapetaka di Ujung Stick Golf

Apakah seorang pimpinan KPK dilarang untuk bermain golf? Mungkin akan sangat klise jika Anda membaca pernyataan "Pimpinan KPK dilarang bermain golf dengan pihak yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung berpotensi menimbulkan benturan kepentingan sekecil apapun." Memangnya siapa yang membuat pernyataan semacam itu? Bukan siapa, tetapi pernyataan ini tercantum dalam Kode Etik pimpinan KPK Nomor KEP-06/P.KPK/02/2004.

Karena seorang Antasari Azhar bermain golf dan tidak disertai dengan orang KPK, maka ia terancam terkena pelanggaran kode etik Pimpinan KPK. Bahkan, Emerson Yuntho dari Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) mengatakan, dari catatan ICW ada empat pelanggaran kode etik yang dilakukan Antasari yang di antaranya, bermain golf dengan pihak lain. Dikatakan bahwa pimpinan KPK boleh bermain golf, tetapi sendiri atau sesama orang KPK.

Jadi, mungkin yang berada di benak sebagian besar dari kita adalah jika yang dimainkan oleh Antasari Azhar adalah tenis, futsal, polo, berkuda dan sebagainya dan ia bersama dengan rekannya (atau siapa pun itu) yang bukan orang KPK, maka ia tidak mungkin akan tersandung pelanggaran kode etik. Apakah praduga semacam itu dapat dibenarkan? Dalam pelanggaran yang tercantum dalam Kode Etik Pimpinan KPK dapat diinterpretasikan suatu kalimat "Bermain golf dengan pihak lain yang menimbulkan benturan kepentingan". Benturan apakah yang dimaksud? Mungkinkah dalam dunia politik Indonesia maupun internasional pernah terdapat kasus semacam suap atau yang sejenisnya yang diawali dengan pertemuan di lapangan golf? Seolah-olah, golf menjadi suatu permainan pembawa keramat yang mempertemukan Antasari dengan sesosok gadis caddy bernama Rhani Juliani yang menjadi salah satu praduga alasan terbunuhnya Nasrudin Zukarnaen, Direktur Utama PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran. Mungkin hal ini menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa golf merupakan suatu permainan keramat bagi para petinggi di negeri ini. Dengan adanya kasus ini, sebaiknya para petinggi lainnya berhati-hati jika bermain golf atau memikirkan alternatif orahraga lainnya. Seandainya saja olahraga kegemaran Antasari bukanlah golf, tenis barangkali, mungkin saja nasibnya akan sedikit berubah. Lalu, dapatkah kita mengatakan suatu perumpamaan bahwa suatu malapetaka dapat bermula dari ujung stick golf?


Harian Kompas, "KPK Selidiki Antasari", Jumat, 15 Mei 2009, halaman 2

Mar 19, 2009

Girl's Perspective | Experience | Fun | Critic

Music Playlist at


I know that it would sound lil bit ludicrous for ya, but hell yeah... I've just known Gavin DeGraw lately, perhaps about couple weeks ago. His voice is so damn amazing and thrilling, when I heard his song titled "Belief", I swear that I was swayed. His voice was swimming and swamped in the current river of my heart. It was obviously true that he was singing with his heart while playing piano. And the lyrics of that song was beautiful, touching, inspiring, oh no, that's too many descriptions refer too it. One word.... GORGEOUS. Even I could imagine if one day I would sing that song in the night while play the piano (though I can't plat that musical instrument). But at least, I confess that I could sing quite well (some people admit it, hell yeah). And I was imagining if there would be many people swayed in silent voice while they gaze at me with the puddle of tears in their eyes. So dramatical. But you should trust me that I could sing that song beautifully even it would not as beautiful as Gavin version.

So, the question is... Do you know that song?
Here I give you the lyrics (read it with your heart)


Makes things real
Makes things feel
Feel alright
Makes things true
Things like you
You and I
Tonight, you arrested my mind
When you came to my defense
With a knife
In the shape of your mouth
In the form of your body
With the wrath of a god
Oh, you stood by me
Builds from scratch
Doesn't have to relax
It doesn't need space
Long live the queen and I'll be the king
In the collar of grace
Tonight, you arrested my mind
When you came to my defense
With a knife
In the shape of your mouth
In the form of your body
With the wrath of a god
Oh, you stood by me
I'm going to yell it from the rooftops
I'll wear a sign on my chest
That's the least I can do
Tonight, you arrested my mind
When you came to my defense
With a knife
In the shape of your mouth
In the form of your body
With the wrath of a god
Oh, you stood by me
Tonight, you arrested my mind
When you came to my defense
With a knife
In the shape of your mouth
In the form of your body
With the wrath of a god
Oh, you stood by me
And I'll stand by my

Feb 18, 2009

I Cut My Hair Off (Finally)

A beautiful girl is always attributed to long and straight hair. It's not always, anyway, but commonly. So, ladies and gentlements, are we still questioning what is stated above? I ever thought that it was right. Why? Because as my tracking and monitoring, a long-haired girl is usually more good looking and alluring than the short-haired one. They usually looked more gorgeus, feminine, and elegant as well. I used to like it and I wanted to grow my hair (at least until it exceeds the lower end of my chests). And why did I want to grow it and keep it? Because I can create lots of hair style with a long hair, I can use varying accessories stuck on our hair any time I wanna, I can make others impressed with the softness of my silky hair when they stroke it, and my hair would look totally awesome when it blown by the wind.

However, sometimes a long hair creates a problem, whether it is minor or major, it is still recognized as a problem. And hair loss is my major problem, dude. I could lost my hair until 50 strands a day, whether it is while I was brushing it, or it happened naturally and suddenly any time without permission and it caused a dinginess in my room and also in my shirt. I was so tired to see lots of hair laid disorderly everywhere. And I couldn't hardly imagine if it's continue to happen, my head could possibly be bald as the old guy, since it always fall off everytime.

I was so terribly sick of it, and my sister always repeated her irrittating command to cut my hair off. She said that it's better for me to cut my hair off than I lost all of my hair since it fell off too much. And she also said that I would look more fresh after I cut my hair. At one point, I saw Song Hye Kyo (a korean actress) in a movie drama titled "The World that They Live In" with a short hair cut. And she is still look gorgeous and pretty as usual, even with the short hair. Her hair was long before, as it seen in Endless Love and Full House. My mom said that I would look great in that hairdo, just like Song Hye Kyo in that movie. I didn't really care much about it and at that moment, I still want to preserve my hair. About two months later, after all the suck school orientation in my campus had already over, I was thinking to get my hair cut, (yes, my hair fell off more often day by day), and then I searched for any short-haired celebs picture from the internet. I found Katie Holmes picture with her short hair, and I thought that it was pretty cool. And yes, it gave me inspiration, and as you can see right now my hairdo is similar with hers.
And I still look gorgeous. LOL.

Feb 17, 2009


I wish I never learned how to smile if I know that it would turn into a warm but feeling cold water came out from our eyes but actually came out from our heart that we call it TEARS

I wish I never feel a happiness that would probably serve me a pleasant feeling yesterday if it would turn into a sadness that devastatingly shred, tear, and broke my fragile heart today

I wish I never ever had a dream at all if I know that all of them are just BULLSHIT and never close to reality

I wish I could never feel anything if I know that this feeling is just the sweet but pathetic and tornful illusory

I wish I never ever had a heart cause the heart never lies and finally it is unfold no matter how hard we try to conceal what it is portrayed and also hidden

I wish I could be an angel so I could come and go to leave this earth and I would never be able to feel any emotions and lustful and desire which become a pride for human kind but at the end become an irreversibly regrettable foolish sentiment for them

created by : myself (blog owner)

when we were down, we might think about this, but we must be grateful for every breathe, heart, love, and life given to us. Nothing more precious than being born in this world.

Feb 11, 2009

I Wish I Had Blue Eyes

What kind of color is avalaible for eyes? Can we pick any one from them? Yes, the blue one, please. (Do you think that you can buy it just like you buy soft lens?)

Ehm.... Never mind what it's written above. I just want to tell you that my eyes colour is just ordinary. Nothing special in it. My eyes are black. You know that I am Asian. (but some friends of mine have brown eyes, even my mother's eyes are brown, and it's not herditary to me, though). That's good then. I am 100% ASIAN. At least this is what you can see when you meet me, even you can conclude this at the first time you saw my picture. But I still sure that I have such kind of Western blood, due to what my grandpa's look-like. He really looked like Western people, with his brown eyes and hair (his hair is gray, now), very fair skin, tall figure, prominent nose, and the brown spots in his skin. And it's made me uncertainly believe that I'm 100% Asian.

Talking about eyes, I have a silly story about it. It was happened about one week ago. In my campus, there are some foreigners, and some of them are Kaukasian. When I was queing at ATM, there were two European guys came and start queing. I was paying attention for them for a while. Based on what I heard, I concluded that they're not speaking in English. And I'm pretty sure about it (I know how English would be heard, even with Scotland accent). I was looking at their eyes color, and they were blue both. Although that blue were not quite beauty and enchanting, but probably they were better than mine which are black. Then I spontaneously said, "I wish I had blue eyes" with normal volume, but my friend said that I was speaking aloud. I thought that they would not understand what I was saying. But it seemed that I was misscalculated. They understood, dude. Then they were staring at me. My friend really know well about that situation. And she seemed to be shy to have a silly friend like me. I acted as I was an innocent girl who never made a mistake and as if there was nothing happened. And after me and my friend left, she said that actually that two European guys were speaking in English, just with strange and uncommon accent. But I was definitely sure that they weren't. I'm definitely and absolutely sure, actually. Ha ha ha...

Feb 8, 2009

As Long As We Still Young

I can confidently state that I still young, unless I am not sure whether I still belong to "teenager" category or not. So, what? What I want to underline here is.... the fact that I still young and perhaps some of you, guys and gals who read this are still young too.. I mean, we, as the young people and young generation should express our gratitude by using this time as well as we can. When we made a mistake in this young age, it can affect our future, bad future is in our threshold if we did it.
Ha ha ha ha... Again and again,,, I act as if I am the most wise person in this world.

Just take it easy, dude... Actually what I want to say and stress is... ENJOY your young periode as long as you can inhale it. It wont be happen twice (except you believe in reincarnation theory). When you old, your hair, your skin, your face, your body shape wouldn't look like this anymore. It would be so... horrible at that hideous moment. That firm skin would be... GONE!! That beautiful hair would be... FADE AWAY. The power that you have now... would be so LOW. And that's why, take your time and enjoy your life. And this is like what I'm doing, I really like to wear a very attractive outfit. Not just simply casual and ordinary. Until my seniors in campus gave "Miss Nu Rave" title to me. At first, I didn't get what the heck "Miss Nu Rave" means. But now I know the reason. It was because of my extraordinary clothes that I used to wear. It wouldn't be extraordinary if I lived in Japan, Hongkong, or Korea. But the thing is... I live in Indonesia. Ha ha ha ha...
Fashion will die, but STYLE will last forever.

Come on baby, when you finally get old one day, you won't be able to wear those attractive and gaudy clothes again. I mean you can, with people around you laughing at you. When you're old, you won't be able to dance actively and attractively again. You're shocking pink wedges won't suit your feet again, you're green eyeshadow won't be looked great in your make up, those big earrings can't decorate your ears anymore, and you won't be able to color your hair in blue. Ha ha ha... I bet you don't have this courage to do this in that oldy age. So, take your times and relax... Enjoy your life!

Feb 6, 2009

The Useless Stuff That We Bought

First thing first, let me introduce myself. My name is Ethenia. This is my 3rd blog, actually. But this is my first blog of which I write everything from the cornerstone of my heart.

Just like any other girl, (I still feel that I am a girl, "big girl" is most suitable term, I think ^.^ ), I like to go shopping, go to the mall and sightseeing for every single place, counter, and stuff that I met. This case is not only prevail in mall, but also in a small kiosk that sell accessories, jewellery, clothes, gadget, until books. Pfff... So, do we have any similarity? Go on.... Lately, I realize that I have so many clothes, bags, and accessories (hat, jewellery,and all that silly girly stuff) that I keep these things in any places disorderly. Yeah, those unimportant things make my closet full and mussy. And the problem doesn't exist only in that case, hell yeah, and it is perplexed me to decide which clothes that I would wear, which bracelet that I would pick to decorate my wrist, which bag that I would carry to campus, etc. Then, this problem and perplexities put all the unused stuff becoming useless. (since I never wear it due to unsuitable thoughts, or I wear it but only once in a year). How poor that stuff is....

So, the question is....
Why did I buy that crazy useless thing?
Hmmm... maybe it was happened due to my intense desire that ordering myself to.. first, come to that counter, second, seeing around over there, third, stop my view at one spot, fourth, touch that stuff, fifth, imagine myself in a perfect and flawless shape with that thing, and finally sixth... tempted to bring it home (by buying it, of course). Oh, I forgot to add the most important thing, which is checking for the price and how much money that I bring at that time, ha ha ha.... (I know that all of you do that, unless you are Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Donald Trump) Actually I don't know whether they think before they buy something or not, LOL.

I also do that in the term of the thing that we called "cosmetic". Uhhhh.... Even right now I have four shampoos, and the one that I use is only ONE among them, while I let the rest stand useless in the rack. How come? Maybe I belong to a person who like to try and alternate between some products that I am interested to category. And sometimes when I go to supermarket, I am trapped into a new luscious-likely cosmetic product of which I saw the advertisement on television. Yeah, I am an "ad victim". The product seemed to be so gorgeous and flawless on television and it seemed that all the girl who use it would be the same pretty as the model. I mean, I wish I could be as gorgeous as the model when I use the product, even for the first time use. Even, whether my lotion, compact, and lipgloss at home is empty or filled, it doesn't make any difference, neither, any effect to stop my eager to buy that cosmetic product. Then I make a plea reason in my heart, "This product is different, because it is glossy, and mine at home is not". Ha ha ha...

It attacks guy also, maybe... But in another terms, not those "beauty" things above.
But who knew that there are several guys who really care about their "beauty" and do more silly things than I did?
Okay, I heard that someone ask me to stop... ("STOP IT!!" ,he said) No offense before...
The things that I mean is book and magazine, anything that we read.
So yeah, I was pushing myself so hard to read the books... Anykind of book... Novels, science, and last but not least... DICTIONARY!!!
I like to go to bookstore... Seeing around... Looking at some interesting books with interesting covers. While wise man says, "Don't judge a book by its cover" (no relevance, anyway). And yes, I am looking for best seller books. Does it mean that when my friends read a super mega best seller book then I go with them? Oh it's not, lady... It's not that simple to influence me, even in "what I want" level until "my stance and point of view" level. I go to bookstore occasionally, not every month, but longer than that. One in a two-month maybe... But last week, I went to a big book bazar in my town. There are hundreds title of book in sale. And you know what, I bought ten books at that moment. Crazy.... Guess what? None of them that I have read... And now I am pumping my spirit up to read them one by one. I suppose that it will took three months to finish it.

Now you get the point... It still has relevance with the "beauty things and the clothes" above... It such kind of useless... I bought something that I was not sure if I could finish it or use it or not... I have no idea why did I buy all that stupid things. I just want to buy it? Or... I really need to use it? Then, I have learned my lesson well. That we just need to buy something that we really need, this is not about what you want at that crucial moment anymore (not crucial anyway, I just put an exaggeration). But perhaps some of us have the same problem, which is about regretful feelings for not buying a very unique, scarce, and cute stuff that we absolutely no doubt that none of our friends ever have it. Well, save your regrets later. Ha ha ha ha... Just kidding. I don't want to influence you to have the best regretful moment in your life. Save your money for more important things (your school, maybe). I act as if I was that wise. Ha ha ha...